Thursday, September 9, 2021

Have You Found Your Forever?

When you know. You know. 

A picture of me popped up from three years ago when I started my dating adventures and today I am not who I was. I had some crazy stories. Fun times. A lot of waste of time too. I learned a lot. 

My boyfriend knew within a couple weeks how he felt about me. I did too but didn’t believe it. Today, 14 months later, we both can say we are in this forever. We don’t need a ring to confirm it or anyone to agree. Just us both knowing this is enough and makes my heart want to explode. 

Don’t give up until you find your forever person. Be grateful for the people along the way but do know that person is out there. Do know one day someone will look at you and say you’re my one and only… forever and let your guard down so you can believe them and enjoy this journey with them. 

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