Sunday, November 21, 2021

You Can Fall In Love With The Same Person Over and Over Again

Take the time to reconnect. Don’t take them for granted. I fall in love with him over and over again. Could it be scary. Yes. 

This trip I completely fell head over heels over him again

Dating after divorce is so different. It’s trusting someone. Combining your families. Having trust in them even though your past dating experiences may have been rough and you fear it will happen again. It’s really a process but it’s amazing. I fell in love with someone at 40 yrs old. I met someone who had a past and a life way before I even came along. But we choose each other everyday. Not because we have to. Not at all. Not because we have children together- we don’t.  No. None of that. We choose each other by choice. Pure choice. 

Nothing tying us together to anything but just because two people who met, became best friends and fell in love. 

That’s my love story. What’s yours? 

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