Friday, December 31, 2021

Our New Year’s Vase

Every year we do the “vase”. We write events and activities and fun milestones that we did throughout the year and put them in this vase. Every New Years we take turns reading them. It’s fun. Helps us remember and appreciate the little things. We start over every Jan 1st. 

Life is full of ups and downs. We have the cherish the little things and moments that make it great. 

Happy New Year’s Eve!

I wish I could select the best of  2021 but there’s so many memories. So many what ifs. So many ups and downs and yet here we are. Healthy. Happy. Safe. 

My wish is that 2022 is whatever you need it to be. I hope today and everyday you do what makes you happy with the people you love and who love you!

New Year New…

Break your habits first. Then you will see new results. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Hot Toddy Recipe

This would be even good without the rum and amaro. 

Merry Christmas

I hope Santa was good to you!

Friday, December 24, 2021

Secret Santa 2021

Last night was the start of a new tradition!

This video has friendships from 30 yrs ago. Wow. I feel old saying it. Some from 20 yrs. Some from 15 yrs. 

I love this crew. It’s my sister, cousin, best friends. We met in elementary school, some in college, some as we started our journey of adulthood. I pieced us together and last night was our secret Santa gag gift exchange. 

I won with the hail Betty White prayer candle I gifted. It was great to be together and laugh and see each other. We always have a group text going but to take the time and talk while we saw each other made us all appreciate one another. 

Life has been rough. Enjoy the little things that make it good again. 

Be Easy On Yourself

We all have a story. Some are harder than others. Be patient and gentle with yourself!

Monday, December 20, 2021

Relationship Wish For You

Don’t stop until you find this. ❤️ Lucky I did. 

What Friendships Continue

When I saw this I laughed. It’s funny. But then I thought about it. It’s kind of true. Think of the people you no longer speak with this year or things that ended. Some for good reasons. Some for unexplained reasons. 

Wish them well and continue with your life. I have a lot of different groups of friends in my life. My college friends. Mommy friends. Cousin friends. Kid friends. They are all my forever friends. 

Those who we no longer speak well to be honest there’s a reason for it. Those who continue in my life thank you for being there for me. Those who come and
go thank you for the memories and lessons!

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Our Mini Christmas

We decided to exchange all our Christmas gifts this weekend since the kids won’t be together over the holidays. It was perfect. 

We first opened gifts. 

And the girls decorated stockings. We then had Pepe’s and attended the Holiday Lights Spectacular at 

It was perfect. Lots of laughs and love. My boyfriend even had us adults exchange infront of the kids. 

I got my kitchen bench I have been asking for. It’s perfect. We decided to do this every year with the kids. 

Simple. Easy. Fun. Love. That’s what life is about. If that’s not your life then please change it. So grateful we can give the girls theses experiences together. 

A Must See…Hartford Healthcare Amphitheater in Bridgeport

This is our favorite light display we have seen. It’s so cool! There’s a laser music show they do with dancing lights. It’s amazing!

I have been hearing about this and decided to go here with my boyfriend and all our kids to celebrate Christmas fun together. It’s so worth it. You can purchase 5D glasses for $5 each. Which are great but not necessary. 

I am going to go back next week and bring my parents. 

The light display is until Jan 2nd. Learn more here 

Gingerbread Houses & Baking Fun

I love our crew. We have this great life together. We get our kids together whenever possible and I love how great he is with my girls. 

Today we did gingerbread houses and sugar cookies. I always loved the holidays but especially now when I have my girls and someone amazing to share it with. 

What’s your favorite holiday activity?

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Holiday Fun in CT

Anywhere new I am willing to try but I do have some favorites we do every year. Here’s a fun guide for more holiday fun. Link here: 
Holiday Events in CT 

Be sure to comment if you have any suggestions too!

How Women Fall In Love

I love this video. It’s so true. Women aren’t as complicated as people think. It’s the simple. Easy. Non effort things that make us love someone. 

Great video. Watch it 

Friday, December 17, 2021

Stamford Holiday Stroll

We wanted to check it out. I must admit it’s best for children but we did enjoy walking through. There’s holiday music playing and interactive lights and displays. 

It’s there first year doing it. You can still go to the Beer Garden without seeing doing the holiday lights stroll. It closes at 9:00 pm and there is ice skating which is nice.