Sunday, December 5, 2021

New York…Newwww Yorkkk…Empire State Building

There’s this energy I get there. Then again don’t we all? It’s amazing!!!

We decided to take the girls for the day. Growing up everything family visited from Italy we took them to
New York. We would visit the Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island etc.  

I never realized how lucky I was to do that until I brought my own kids. It was my boyfriend’s first time too and it was magical!

We went up to the 80th floor and then the 86th to the Observatory. 

The view was insane. We even got to be there around sunset so the sky was gorgeous. There’s this calmness looking outside at all the buildings. 

If you have never been then go! It’s so worth it. Next we will take kids to the Statue of Liberty. 

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