Thursday, December 16, 2021

Thank Those Who Have Helped You!

You know those types of people….Be sure to appreciate and thank them. 

It’s this week’s book fair at my little ones school. I set them a budget and added money to the school e-wallet. My youngest came home and gave me her receipt. She went over budget and someone paid in cash for her balance. I automatically asked her if my friend was working the book fair. She said yes. I knew she paid and when I asked her she said she didn’t know what I was talking about. Of course covering for my little one going over budget. 

Ironically that same day I saw her son who waved to me at school pickup for my oldest daughter. I pulled over and talked to him. He said his dad was running late and he was concerned so he used my phone to call him. 

We were helping each others kids on the same day and didn’t even realize it. Those are the type of people you want in your life. 

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