Sunday, January 24, 2021

Love Your Life

Be in love with your life and if you aren’t well then make changes. Today. Now. This second. Because why the hell would you waste your life being unhappy!

Tonight’s Adventure Challenge Family Edition: The Marshmallow Sling Shot

This was so much fun! 

We had a lot of fun with the family edition of the Adventure Challenge. Make a marshmallow sling shot. 

Cut an empty water bottle in half 
Remove bottle top
Attach ballon to the top
Add a mini marshmallow in the bottle and launch it

We had mini marshmallows flying everywhere. It landed in my hand. Camera. Head shot that had it bounce off into a wall then ground. We shot them at my parents and it was so much fun. So many laughs. So simple. 

Ohhh Mondayyyy

Oh Mondays. Why do you happen to approach us so fast! 

Today’s Adventure Challenge Family Edition: The Obstacle Course

This morning the girls got to scratch off a challenge. It was to set up an obstacle course with yarn. I pulled it together fast before lunch and they had some fun. 

During Covid it’s hard to stay busy especially during winter. This book is fun. We get to pick a category and try out the adventure together. 

Take Me To The....Netherlands

This month’s Universal Yums comes from Netherlands. 

I got this box for kids and parents for Christmas. Every month they get a box from a different country. You can’t pick the country. It’s a surprise. This month was Netherlands. 

It’s really important for me that my kids are exposed to different cultures. This is a fun way for them to try food from around the world.