Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Loving Each Person Changes

We all have been in love many times. Lust. Love. Enjoying the relationship status verse the person in the relationship matters. You have to like the person you have a relationship with. Not just the idea of being in a relationship or marriage or partnership. You don’t stay just to stay. You don’t stay because you don’t want to be alone. You stay because a person makes you feel safe and love and appreciated. 

You love your relationship because it makes you a better person. It means having someone in your life who is there for you. Who respects your space and you respect theirs. Who cares if your day went well or not. Who makes you feel safe and wouldn’t harm you. 

That’s why you love someone. 

It’s a friendship and partnership. Nothing lasts forever but be sure to invest your time with someone who makes your days better than not.