Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Image A World Where We All...

Loved ourselves. Healed any past trauma and pain. Were happy. Didn’t have triggers. 

When you love yourself you spread happiness and cheer. 

When you’re healed you don’t go around hurting others. 

Fill YOUR Cup

I started doing little things... 

Picking up groceries saved me time instead of actually grocery shopping I now place an order and pick it up. I don’t shop for over an hour anymore. 

I started doing art again. It’s my favorite. 

I started doing scrabble again. I love scrabble online. It’s so relaxing. 

These are all simple. Little things. That allows me to fill my cup. I can’t keep pouring and doing for others without taking time for me 

What have you done lately for you?

Paint By Numbers: Flower

I love this. I love the brightness. I love flowers. I love sunshine. 

I ordered these for my girls but didn’t realize the details that goes into it so I decided to paint it myself. 

There are a ton of different size items with all numbers on them. 

The kit comes with three paint brushes and paint all numbered. Very easy to do and follow. 

I ordered them from Amazon for $11 each. You can purchase them here  

It’s a nice relaxing pastime. I will be sure to post the finished product. 

16 years

My grandmother passed away 16 years ago this week 
Ironically my youngest daughter’s class assignment was to present something that was passed from generation and generation. So I took this out. I explained how my grandmother always had this on the table at her house for Sunday lunch. It was filled with parmigiana cheese. 

When she passed this was one of the items I wanted to remember her by. 

We had countless meals with this on her table. I remember being on her screened porch with all our cousins and aunts and uncles enjoying meals. One item brought back a flood of memories. A simple item. 

Cherish the moments. They seem small at the moment but I promise they are huge. 

When Was The Last Time You Spoke How You Felt?

Say it. Whenever you feel it. I do. Regardless of what comes back. My boyfriend left this morning and I replayed our conversations in my head over and over and my heart melted. I literally felt a wave of happiness over me and I texted him that. Even if I spent the last 5 days with him I still wanted to tell him again. I wanted to tell him I loved him over and over. Because he makes me feel amazing and I will forever make him feel the same way. Even his response melted my heart. 

You can’t love someone too much. You can’t show them enough how they make you feel. If I love you I make sure you know. He does the same to me. It’s not lust or nauseating. It’s real. We are best friends. We have real conversations. Fun date nights. We honor our space yet hug and make sure we know how appreciative we are. He’s 100% there for me and I am 100% there for him. 

It may not be forever. Who cares. No one has forever. It’s for now. So focus on making it amazing. 

Do it. Tell your partner how amazing they make you feel. Just out of the blue. Text them or call them or tell them in person. Just say you make my heart happy. You make my life full. I promise they are feeling the same way. I promise it makes your day so much better. 

Don’t say I love you to just say it. Say it because you feel it in your soul. 

We live in a society where we don’t do this enough. We need to. Start with you. 

Appreciate How Far You Have Come

Look how much you have, J, look how far you've come, look how fast it happened, and, you have to admit, how easy it was.

All in spite of your fears, worries, and self-doubts. 


You crack us up,

The Universe

I love these emails. It's inspiration sent to you every morning. You can signup  

Accepting Doesn’t Meaning Allowing

Accept what happened BUT don't allow it to happen again. Forgiving isn’t forgetting. It’s saying I accept what happened and now choose to stay and forgive or to walk away and not allow it to ever happen again. 

I walked away from more situations in the last three years than I ever had in my life. Jobs. People. Relationships. 

But I never forgot. I accepted and chose to walk away to not allow it again.