Saturday, January 30, 2021

Never Doubt Yourself

Every time. In every situation. You were always enough. It was never you. The people who weren’t meant for you never was because of you. You couldn’t have done anything to change what happened. They were never your people. Never meant to stay. 

It took me a really long time to realize that. It really did. But once you come to terms with it you’re able to know that no matter what you couldn’t do anything to change the outcome. It’s out of your control. Always was. Always will be. 

You were always enough. I was always enough. They just weren’t meant to stay in our life and our journey. 

We’ve Always Loved...

The beach. Even in the winter. Sasco beach in Fairfield has always been my favorite spot. 

When You Collide With Others

This is by far my favorite post he put out. I always say people come along our journey and we hold on to them longer than we should at times. The angry therapist uses the word collide. 

But regardless of what you call it we are all teachers. We teach people and they teach us. We learn about ourselves. We grow. We hurt. We love. We get challenged. We face our triggers and insecurities. We are powerful people. We have such influence over others. If we really understood our position in someone’s life we would really change the way we make them feel. 

Who are you colliding with?