Snowstorm 2021: Get Outside

The girls wanted to help so they cleaned off the cars while I shoveled. The snow is like powder but gets heavy over time due to the large quantities. 

After a while all our cheeks were red. We will need to do another round tomorrow. But when I looked at my Fitbit it calculated shoveling as 31 minutes of exercise. 

So how many calories did I burn? Well according to this article it says an average person can burn 150-230 calories for 30 mins of shoveling. 

Read more here 

Have you gone outside today?

Better Together

Whatever you decide to do on this snowed in day I hope it makes your heart happy. I hope you are better when you’re with the people who you love and love you. Whether it’s hot cocoa for breakfast or scrabble and board games before lunch. I hope you do everything your heart desires because life is short. So short that holding on to pain means not enjoying the moment. Having doubt means fearing what’s next. Being sad means not being happy now. . 

Be better with the people you are with. Love, and cherish these moments. ❤️

Focus On Self-Love

It’s a process. Do it all the time. Make it a priority. Be happy alone with yourself. Anyone else is an addition. Do what makes you happy for you. 

Feb 1st

Happy 1st of February 💗