Sunday, February 7, 2021

What Have You Done For Yourself Today?

I stayed in bed super late and took a walk in the snow. I shoveled while blasting some of my favorite tunes. 

What have YOU done for YOU today?

Super Bowl 2021 Fun Facts

Large Super Bowl parties are a thing of the past. Unfortunately this year will be different due to Covid but here are some fun facts. 

What State Has The Strangest Super Bowl Snacks?

What’s your FAVORITE super bowl snack? What’s your STRANGEST?

What if I told you Alaska was Paleo Salmon Cakes. 

Here’s a fun article on each state's most popular Super Bowl snacks: 
Super Bowl food: Ranking each state's most popular Super Bowl snacks, from worst to first. 

Do You Have Any Real Intentions To...

I was asking for a change. For a couple of months. I finally asked “Do you really have any intentions of ...”

The question is to the point. Not emotional. Just to the point. Instead of that I could have said a lot leading up to the question but I didn’t. It’s straight forward. 

I learned to do this when someone hasn’t given a clear answer or when someone says they would do something and never do. I started to ask this a lot. 

What’s your real intentions. Deep down are you really going to do what I asked you to do or what you said you would do?

The response was “Of course, I will get it done” after I asked that it was done. It finally got done. After months of me hinting and not being straight forward it I asked one question and it was done. 

I learned a lot from that one experience. One question. One situation.  

I learned calling people out isn’t to start an argument. It’s not to be lead with emotions. It’s saying be real with me. Don’t BS me just so I shut up or I stop asking. What’s your true intentions means to be real with what expectations I should expect. To be honest if you’re going to get something done or just have me think you will. 

I won’t lie I was so happy once it was done. It dragged a bit but it finally got done and well being straight forward has always been something I was good at. I had to just learn to leave emotions out prior to it. 

Monkey See Monkey Do...Oh The Memories

It’s funny how something so small can bring back so many memories. I found this in my car yesterday. It brought me back to my trip to visit my best friend when she lived in Massachusetts. 

It was the best weekend we could of had. We ended up eating an early dinner at a Chinese restaurant. Where we drank fish bowls. Later the place turned into a karaoke bar and then late night it was a night club. We stayed for hours. Laughing. Drinking. Singing. Dancing. Eating. 

Memories are made to help bring happiness to our lives. Everyday is some BS to face. Responsibility. Outside drama. Chaos. 

It’s unavoidable. 

But happiness. That’s created. It’s created from little experiences and big experiences. Embrace that. 

Meet Lucy Glo

I love Trader Joe’s and I especially love that store because I am always trying new food and fruit and whatever else fun stuff they have there. 

This is the Lucy Glo Apple. 


They come from Washington State. Sweet and a bit tangy. So fun. You think it’s a watermelon when you cut it. The red bright inside is so unexpected. The kids loved it 

Learn about them here