Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Ash Wednesday...12 Years Later

I always loved the season of lent. Ash Wednesday. Palm Sunday. I think it was great memories growing up. 

Now it has a new meaning for me. 12 years ago I was in a bad car accident and walked away without a scratch on me. Not sure how but that night I went to church and got my ashes and prayed. And a little girl voice said “ Thank you for keeping me alive” There wasn’t a little kid around me. I get chills thinking back to that day. 

Grateful for walking away without a scratch. It was an awful experience yet made me look at life differently. It started my journey of believing. In a higher source. In soul connections. In our purpose in life. 

So I always make sure to get ashes and I bring my kids and tell them my story. 

What's A Healthy Relationship?

Are you in a healthy relationship? 

Let's first look at what makes a relationship healthy. I am no expert. I write based on my experience. I write on what feels good and right to me. On my personal experience. So if someone asked me what a healthy relationship looks like I would say this is pretty on point here

One of my main goals was to make sure my kids saw you can still have a healthy relationship with someone. Most of us mimic our parent's and family and peers relationships because we grew up around it. 

Now look at your own relationship. Is it a healthy one? Would you want your kids to have the same type of relationship you have? If not there is your answer. 

If your relationship isn't healthy then think about this next question: Can you make your current relationship a healthy one?

It takes two. Changes are BOTH people in the relationship. 100% in. 100% devoted. 

I know I gave you a lot to think about. Feel free to message me with any questions or feedback. 

Do We Click?

I feel I am easy to get along with for the most part. Off the bat you know if you like my personality or not. I think that is why I stayed in relationships and friendships because I kind of flowed with it. People wanted to stay in touch with me even when relationships ended because they liked my friendship. I now realize how important clicking with someone matters. Where you are not constantly playing tug of war with each other. Where you both communicate the same way and have same goals and values. Where you may not always agree but respect each other beliefs. 

I do not think you need to spend your lifetime in a relationship trying to change that person you're in a relationship with. If you do then it isn't the right relationship. Same goes if they are trying to change you. If they can't accept 99% of you then you need to get out. We are who we are. Even as adults changing means really looking within and even though I am willing to do it not everyone is!

Last night I leaned over and whispered "Are you happy in our relationship." He looked at me like I had twelve heads. Of course and he laughed. He is used to my weird, out of the blue questions and concerns. 

Women need validation. We do. So if any men are reading this validate to your wife/girlfriend/partner. We like to hear how you feel. Men do have feelings too. No need to hide them. It is ok to validate people. 

It's really my first, EASY, solid relationship I have had in a long time or actually ever because I never had an easy relationship. Sometimes I wonder how we click so well. How easy it is. How calm it is. No fighting just straight conversations. I accept him and his flaws and he accepts mine. How can this be so easy. Where is the catch? 

Ironically it is common!

Read the article The "Click" Factor that explains this more in depth here.