Tuesday, February 23, 2021

We All Look At Situations Differently

No one looks at something and sees the same thing. We always look at things from how we are. No one understands the situation like you do. No one understands your feelings like you do. No one can understand what it means. How it affects you. What it does to you. We can relate to it but not be fully embraced in it. We may provide guidance but we can’t feel what you feel. 

I can’t judge your story and you can’t judge mine.

I can tell you that whatever you go through someone can relate to it. That we all have a wave of emotions. We all have a wave of good and bad and happy and sad. We have to just encourage one another to get through the ride together. 

Live Your Life

I will be happy when....

Let that go! All of it. If you're not happy fix it. I am happy with everything but.... No buts. Fix it. A friend lost their mom and I swear she was similar to my personality and I think that is why we got along so well. 

All I could think about was if he only knew how easy it is to be happy he would make the changes to be happy. Accept or change. That is all you can do. It is that simple. Do what makes you happy. 


Create Your Own Sunshine

Sometimes you have to create the life you want and deserve! 

Embrace The Love You Receive

Are you guilty of this? I was. I felt there’s a catch. Who else will suddenly surprise me after I put my guard down. 

That phrase better to love and lost then not love at all never feels good when you’re dealing with heartbreak. It’s awful. But the world has over 7 billion people in it. 7 BILLION. You can afford to let a couple break your heart. Doesn’t mean you don’t risk it again. 

Don’t sabotage an opportunity to be happy because of past pain. It’s their loss. They weren’t your person. Allow your person in. Stop sabotaging it.