Happy 8th...

She’s turns 8 today. I always have a hard time explaining how amazing she is because I don’t believe anyone is perfect. But she really is my easiest one. She’s independent and quiet. She is loving and calm.  She’s a free spirit and showers me with love and kisses and hugs. She doesn’t require a lot just be sure to keep your word with her. She can hold that against you. 

She always was mysterious. I never understood how she wouldn’t react to things I expected her to. She came into my life when I had cancer. A failed pregnancy glucose test led me to a specialist that discovered my cancer. She saved my life. It’s a lot of pressure on someone who wasn’t even born yet. But all jokes aside I delivered her and then a month later had surgery. Then three months later was in quarantine from my radiation. Imagine spending all that time away from your baby. It was so hard yet grateful that I was able to recover and live a long healthy life. 

They say we have a special bond due to that. You have a special bond with all your children for a reason. This was my reason with her. I healed while I watched this gorgeous baby grow up.