Thursday, April 8, 2021

Look Forward To What Is Coming Next

You can't stay in limbo. It is like living the same day over and over and over thinking things will change. Well they won't. Trust me. Change has to happen with your effort. Being happy has a lot to do within your own self. Once you have that no one can steal that from you. 

Let go of the past. Be grateful for what your life is like in this moment. Embrace what is coming! 

Maybe It Is Me Who Changed

I was talking to someone today about a situation and after I realized maybe it was me. Maybe within the year I was the one who did the changing. Maybe I let people out of my life because they didn't fit with who I am today. 

I realized I need calm. I need structure. I always have. But I needed it so much due to the last year we had. I needed to be around calm people. Calm situations. Dependable people.

I swear life has changed a ton since I reached a level of calmness. I do not want drama or chaos. I want people I can depend on. No one who comes and goes. Who cancels plans. No one who is late. I need dependable people. People who keep their word. People who do what they say. No games. No unsteadiness.

At this age that's what we need. Steadiness. We need solid people. Last year I had a ton of different people in my life. Why? Maybe they were to help me become who I am today. SO I thank them from a far but also grateful for the growth. I welcome that, always.