As You Heal You Attract Peace

My life is very calm. Not boring. Calm. I like it...a lot. I have a great job. I have a great relationship with my family, kids and my boyfriend. I could stay this peaceful forever. Triggers will always come forth but it’s your job to not let it steal your peace. 

I started to read a lot. I feel organized and at a good place mentally. 

Have you created a peaceful life for yourself?

Happiness Looks Good On You!

Isn’t this the truth. Happy. Love. Life. 

Glow on girl 💗

MommyCT Winner For Mecha Noodle

So excited to win this giveaway from Stamford Events. I entered a giveaway and won a $25 gift card. I love Mecha Noodle and can’t wait to check out the Stamford Location.