Monday, April 19, 2021

Breakfast On The Beach

I had to pop in someplace and when I got out of my car the sun and air felt like the sea breeze. I had some time to spare before logging into work and needed to feel grounded. I needed balance. So I snuck off to the beach, picked up breakfast and dug my feet into the sand and took it all in. Alone. Just me. The seagulls and sea. 

It was brief but amazing. 

After 13 Months...

After 13 months homeschooling has come to an end. Well mostly. My oldest school still has a hybrid model. Since I received the shot I figured they could return. There was tear shed. Mostly my youngest who never wanted to go back but then some from me because this last year has been nuts. 

We had a lot of great days. Some hard days. But never bad days. Because for 13 months I had my girls with me everyday. 

The level of appreciation they have for me is indescribable. But that’s parenting. Parenting is being there for your kids even on days when it’s too hard to parent you show up and make it work. 

I will miss my coworkers but also made me realize how different life has been since Covid. 

One day at a time. One day we will put this all past us.