Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Enjoy This Moment

Last week I had a discussion over not seeing eye to eye over the future. 

Sounds so silly right. But it happens. What’s next. What if’s. All that. It’s normal right. I literally stressed myself out over it. Why? Who knows. Maybe because we wish we could plan out our lives as if it’s a perfect. Easy. Simple. Thing to do. 

Well it’s not. No one knows what the future is. No one. We have to just live in the now. Moment. I will if you do too!

How Do You Know You’re Healing & Growing?

I love this. It’s so true. When things that once bothered you no longer bother you. When you thought you could never get over a person or situation and you did. It’s growth. It’s progress. It’s healing. 

The famous word: healing. In your own time. At your own pace. Make that progress. 

Unbury it. Then heal.