Turkish Munchies Box

My client and his team sent me this fun Turkish box for my birthday. They know I love goodies from all over so it was fun to receive this huge box. A lot of spicy snacks. Fun chocolates. They had so much in here. It’s neat to see how certain treats like pretzel sticks can have a twist. They added plain ones and spicy ones. It was fun to go to the box and try something new. I love fun gifts like these. 

You Decide... You’re Never Stuck

Every decision is yours. Remember that. You’re never stuck. No one makes you do anything. You are in complete control of your life. If you’re not happy then make a change. 

Happy Early Mother’s Day

My girls gave me some gifts today. These are my favorite. I love craft made gifts from the kids. I love what they feel and think. I love how they choose certain colors to use and it’s fun to see their creative side. 

Happy Early Mother’s Day to us all. The superhero’s.