Saturday, July 17, 2021

WOW….Over 300,000 Hits

My blog reached over 300,000 views! I am speechless. I started this when my oldest daughter was only 9 months old. I wanted to reach out to other moms and women and people to help them on their path of parenthood. During that course I had two more daughters, I battled cancer, a divorce, ups and downs of life. But I experienced so many amazing adventures. I watched my girls grow. I met a ton of people. I really felt so lucky and blessed. I became happy. Really, fully happy. I fully accepted and embraced who I am and my flaws and being happy alone to now sharing my life happily with someone. I accepted my faults and grew from them. I can say I am not perfect but love the person I am today and thank all my experiences- good and bad- for shaping me. 

I wish I knew who you all are so I could hug you all, laugh with you and even exchange life’s journeys together. Thank you for coming to my blog. Thank you for sharing in my journey. I hope I have inspired, motivated, made you all laugh and feel happy. 

My goal was to help at least one person! Now my goal is to help at least 100 more. Thank you again! 

Let’s Bake with Mix Box

I bought this monthly box subscription for my oldest. After the first couple of months she was over it. Maybe laziness or the thrill passes. But we had about four recipes to choose from and I love trying out new recipes. So instead my middle one and I decided to bake one of the kits. 

It's a really cool concept. You get a box a month with all the ingredients and step by step directions on how to make the receipt. Everything is measured out already and the bags are numbered. It’s really foul
proof.  This box was the peppermint bark fudge cookies. Very easy and very delicious. 

Was great to try a new recipe. 

Check out Mix Box here 

Pool Fun With My Middle One

We don’t get much time alone. It’s hard being a mom
to three. You wish you could split yourself up and give each child exactly what they need. Today her sisters wanted to go shopping with their grandparents so my middle one and I spent the afternoon swimming. 

It was brutal out but the pool was perfect. I loved watching her float around and swim. She picked all the songs to play. Olivia Rodrigo seems to be her new favorite album. 

It’s hard in the day to make time to focus on your kids while doing your daily responsibilities but when those moments happen it’s pure magic and good for not just them but you too!

Summer Bucket List

Westport moms posted this. What’s on your summer bucket list. What would you add?