Monday, July 26, 2021

Face Paint By GS Fancy Faces

My dad is a good sport. My youngest wanted her face painted and after my dad joked he would get his done well he wasn’t joking. Before you know it he’s sitting in the chair and transformed into a Tiger. She painted their faces in like 5 mins. It’s amazing. She’s extremely talented. 

Great for parties and events and her rates are amazing too. 

St. Ann’s Festival

I LOVE festivals. I love the games and seeing the different rides and the food and smell of kettle corn popcorn. This weekend was the St. Ann’s festival and was a lot of fun. 

The girls went over the weekend with their dad and loved it so much they asked for me to take them again last night. We had a lot of laughs and a great time. 

The pizza fritta was delicious we got some with sauce and powder sugar and even plain. The rides always bring out the kid in everyone. We had a great time. 

Happy Monday

I hope everyday you wake up happy. I hope everyday you’re loving the life you’re living. 

I had such a great weekend that I am still smiling from
it. I hung with my boyfriend and a group of his friends and his best friend and just seeing him with them made me love him even more. What a fun group so fun we are planning some fun adventures together. 

 I got to celebrate my parent’s 47 yrs of marriage and do the festival with my girls. 

My heart is full. Like really full. I hope you too are happy. I hope you find happiness in your days and I hope if you don’t you find the courage to change your life. 💗