Saturday, August 7, 2021

Thankful For….All Of It!

For the hard lessons that made us stronger and for the amazing beauty that happens everyday. Being thankful for all of it means you find appreciation in the weak and strong moments of your life and journey. 

I hope your good days always outweigh your bad. I hope bad days are slim and the good is everyday. 

For those who where just lessons and short chapters to those who are here in your life to stay. 

Be thankful for ALL of it. 

Recognize Your Triggers

We all have triggers. No matter how emotional intelligent you are. Instead of denying it. Use it to your advantage to heal. Heal what it’s triggering in you. It’s all about personal growth. Being better. Having control over your emotions. Releasing whatever is holding you back. When you heal you grow. 

Colossal Milkshakes at Bell City Diner in Bristol

Welcome to the carnival. This colossal shake is insane. A friend posted she went here so I had to check it out. This was a special on the menu. It’s so fun and was huge. A shake. Cake. Sprinkles. Strawberry syrup. It was huge. 

They also have standard diner food- which we thought was delicious. It’s really clean and pretty inside too.