Monday, January 31, 2022

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Snow Fun

We got hit with a blizzard not as much as they said but plenty to keep us home and outside having fun in the snow. It’s light which is easy to shovel but so cold. 

That’s what you have to love about living in Connecticut… you never know what the weather will be like. 

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Best Valentine’s Desserts

*Picture from website: Smart School House

I love Valentine’s Day. I love how creative you can get. The kids love when I decorate and we have fun desserts. I am always looking for easy, delicious recipes. This is adorable and definitely easy. 

Loved all their fun recipes found here 

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Colors and Variety…What’s In Your Diet?

I always try to add color. Rich in vitamins. It’s not easy. Being home and cold makes you want to be cozy and sometimes picking the wrong things to eat doesn’t actually feel good. 

Kids have a play date after school so I wanted to be sure to offer variety before they headed for something not so good to eat. 

How do you balance the cold months?

Divorce Isn’t a Failure

I used to think it was. No one gets married anticipating divorce but that mind set changed as I spent time alone my first year. Then I dated men I couldn’t believe I dated. I honestly can’t believe the world has 7 billion people in it and I chose some really big dummies. Insecure men. Who would say one thing and do another. Men who didn’t deserve my time and effort at all or friendship. It taught me a lot.  Then I met my boyfriend who steals my heart at least once a week. 

My parents and those around me have long lasting marriages. Not perfect but good, real, honorable relationships. They love each other . They respect each other. I felt I failed we couldn’t make it work for the kids. My situation was unavoidable. I had no choice but to get a divorce. But I still felt like it was a failure at first. When I told my boyfriend how I used to feel he said no it’s not. Look at you and us now. We found someone more compatible for us. I agree 100% but it took me time to understand it. I had to go through some situations to know this. 

Now my relationship is so easy I feel like there’s a catch but after a year and half later and it’s just as fun and loving and good. It’s calm. So calm. He never raised his voice or argued with me. Not once did I not feel good or loved or valued. 

Now I think why would anyone stay in a relationship that’s toxic or arguing or loud and rough or jealous and insecure. There’s someone better for you. Trust me! There’s always things we need to go through in life to find our happiness. I hope you found yours!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Best of Norwalk App

This is so cool!! Norwalk now has an app. Down load Best of Local app today. You will see restaurants and activities. Even the weather and a chat box. Love this!

Appetit Bistro in Sono CT: Modern French Cuisine

We tried this last night for dinner with my parents and it was so delicious. The women ordered off the preset menu and men off the regular menu. Was so good!! The mussels and steak frites were delicious. My boyfriend loved the pork chops. It has smoke pancetta in it. 

The preset menu is a four course meal. So delicious and so much to choose from. 

The ambiance is very pretty and staff very attentive and kind. Monday to Wednesdays they have a Preset menu

We totally will be going back. 

Monday, January 24, 2022

Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Clay Date in New Haven

We went in May here to create the pieces. We finally went and painted them and they came out awesome. 

We had so much fun designing the clay pieces we created. We painted for almost two hours. We had cheese and crackers and wine and painted. It brought out the kid in us. 

They glazed them and fired them up. We picked them up this weekend. Was so much fun! 

We have some really fun date nights together. I loved this process because you create them on a pottery wheel and then they have to try and you go back and paint. 

Friday, January 21, 2022

Magic 5 Pie in Norwalk CT

I have been wanting to try this place so we ordered it tonight. It’s on East Ave in Norwalk. Same owners as The Spread and El Segundo in Norwalk. 

The pizza was delicious. I got it with pepperoni, olives and mushrooms. Then we had their crab stuffed avocado. It’s amazing!! So good. It has sesame seeds and Asian sauce like places put on tuna tartare. Highly recommend it. 

You gotta check them out:

Valentine Cake Pops Virtual Workshop

These are so fun. They even provide the dry ingredients and the event is free. I love that they provide fun easy baking tips too. They have Q&A available during the session Space is limited. 
Sign up 

Feel Good Song: I’d Do Anything For Love

RIP Meat Loaf

I used to love this song. Still do! 

Norwalk Public Library and The Baking Coach Cinnamon Roll Virtual Workshop

We attended the virtual Norwalk Public Library and The Baking Coach Cinnamon Roll Workshop last night. 

One of my goals for 2022 was to attend a baking class so it was great I saw they offered this for free through the Norwalk Library. They even provided all of the non-refrigerated ingredients. 

They showed us how to make it from scratch. The kids took turns rolling and mixing and adding in the ingredients. It was a fun activity to do together. 

Kids enjoyed it and they came out delicious!

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Snow Day For Norwalk

They came up to me last night. They had a spoon in a bag. Their pjs inside out and asked for ice cubes for the toilet. 

I had so many questions. I was so confused and I said. Ummm what and why?

They said teachers at school said if they wanted a snow day to do this the night before. 

It works so I guess this will be our new snow day ritual. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Free Covid Test Available

Every household in US is eligible for 4 free Covid test. 

Signup and learn more here 

Monday, January 17, 2022

Have Control Over Your Emotions

Emotional intelligence…something many adults have failed to conquer. 

If you have no control over your emotions then you’re easily controlled. Why haven’t people learned this yet. 

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Enjoy Your Life!

Love this and it’s so true!

Next Life…I am Coming Back As Them

Breakfast in bed is our birthday tradition. Yesterday they said they wanted breakfast in bed for today Nope. Only for birthdays, that’s our tradition I said. So of course I gave in but with one exception. 

They came to make their own trays and they carried them up. 

They agreed. 

I may have cooked for an army but when they have three different requests you do what you have to do to make three kids happy. 

Saturday, January 15, 2022

I Scream You Scream…We All Scream For

Our plans changed today so we spent a Saturday in. Playing Board games. TV watching. Ipad relaxing and ice cream making. 

I haven’t made ice cream in a while. It’s super easy. Vanilla has always been my best flavor to make. In the past I got really creative. Egg nog. Candy cane. 

But sometimes simple is better. 

Online has great recipes. 

I used:

3 1/2 cups of half and half
1 cup of sugar
1 1/2 table spoons of vanilla extract 

Mix and pour in. The longer you leave it on the thicker the ice cream becomes.