Thursday, March 17, 2022

Space It’s Not A Bad Thing

I love being with people. I don’t need a lot of alone time. I need a couple hours a night a week and I am

Some people need more. Some don’t. You need to respect those boundaries. You need space to be what you need for you. 

Love has to be free too. It can’t be suffocating. It’s can’t be too much. 

My boyfriend has a ton of hobbies. You name it. He had done it or tried it. Before he met me he had endless time alone and he didn’t mind it. He actually enjoyed the alone down time. He kept busy doing his hobbies. 

I am busy being mom and when I am not I like to blog, play tennis, travel, explore new places. I am out. 

We do a lot together. We do things with the kids. We do things apart. 

It’s healthy balance. 

It has to feel free. He’s an introvert. I am an extrovert. We spend 4 days a week together. We then have to honor and respect the time we aren’t together. We have to feel free and it took me a while to honor it and also to really enjoy that time. 

When you’re secure in your relationship it’s free. Not suffocating. It’s good and healthy. 

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