Friday, April 1, 2022

Cheers to 9 Years

It’s my anniversary today. 9 years being cancer free. I remember driving to Yale for my surgery. I was in denial. How could I be going in to have cancer removed from my body. I swore it was a joke. Like a bad dream. 

I will never forget that ride. I will never forget walking in. I was on the table and my neck extended and I saw the light above. I woke up and couldn’t swallow or talk. 

My life at that moment changed. It taught me a lot. BUT it also gave me a lot. I had so many family and friends by my side. I had a newborn at the time and I never was alone. I had someone helping me every step of the way. 

Cancer sucks but it’s not always a death sentence. I was 32. I was young. Looking back it was hard but not as hard as it could have been. Everyday I wake up and take a pill. Sometimes I look at my scar, think how did I get through it but mostly I feel grateful for the amazing doctors I had. For surviving. 

Cheers to 9 years of healing. I feel so lucky. I am so lucky!

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