Thursday, April 28, 2022

What’s Love…

When he heard about bring your kid to work day he came home and told me about it and asked if he could also bring my oldest daughter. I started to cry. It was the sweetest thing he could ever ask me. He has a really cool job and my daughter loves what he does so he felt she would really appreciate it. She’s been so excited and today was the day. 

Love is not only about what people do for you. It’s how they love you. Love your kids. Respect you. How they feel about you. How they look at you as a unity. How they love your kids even if they aren’t theirs. 

His daughter is like my 4th daughter. When we are all together I love her like my own and he does the same with mine. 

You can’t push this. It has to come naturally on its own. We are very lucky we found each other. 

All day I have been smiling. Never ever settle in life. This man taught me that all my journeys was worth it that lead to him! I enjoy every minute with him. 

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