Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Changing Your Path…Curses Can Be Broken

Europeans….We are passionate. Loud. Aggressive. We love hard. We feel. Our emotions are strong. 

I decided I didn’t want that anymore. I didn’t want to be around it. I didn’t want my kids to grow up like it. 

I decided to really focus on my emotional intelligence. To not get mad when triggered. To communicate as much as possible. 

I now am not phased by many things. Things that once consumed me. No longer do. 

I broke a “generation curse” which means “ making the conscious decision to stop practicing, absorbing, and passing on toxic behaviors and personality traits.”

These are not just your family traits they are traits you marry into. They can be traits you see around you. They can be traits of your peers. 

I still love hard but want my kids to grow up in a calm atmosphere where they think before reacting. Where emotions don’t get the best of us. Where emotional intelligence is top priority with being a good person. 

It has to start someplace. What “generation curses” have you put to an end? What cycles have your broken?

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