Thursday, May 19, 2022

Lalibela Ethiopian Restaurant In New Haven

Finally got to try Ethiopian food and boy was it an experience. No utensils needed. 

My boyfriend has told me about this place and today he took me before my appointment. 

We got the sampler and got to select 4 dishes to try. Yemesir Wot- lentils, Tikel Gome- yellow potatoes and onions, Doro Wot- chicken and Siga Woot- beef. 

My favorite was the Siga Woot- Ethiopian Beef Stew and Tokel Gome- yellow potatoes. Meat was a bit spicy but mild and it was delicious.

You pick up the bread called  Injera as a utensil and scoop up the food. *Injera is like a spongy sour dough bread. It looks like an ace bandage. 

Really fun experience and interesting flavors. 


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