Thursday, June 16, 2022

Sacrifice to Get What You Want

It’s been a busy couple of weeks and as things die down I get to process them. 

I found myself crying. Not for sadness but for relief. Everything started to hit me. 

I made a lot of life changes the last five years. A lot and every time I kept going I said it was to make me
Happy. To give my kids a happy and safe home. I always knew one day I would see the sacrifice. That it all would be worth it. One day came. It hit me in the face. It struck at my heart and I felt the emotions. 

The sacrifice showed as everyone I spoke to praised my kids. As my oldest stood up infront of hundreds of people. 

Did they create their success. 100%. Did my sacrifice contribute to it. 100%. 

My story isn’t to brag or to give me credit. My story is to tell you that making the right decisions for your kids and family never goes unnoticed. When you’re in it you think what am I doing and am I doing the right thing. I must say I never ever looked back only forward. I fought a fight that I am still fighting just so my kids can be happy and see me happy and safe and good. Your fight will always be rewarded. Never ever doubt that!

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