Friday, July 8, 2022

2 Years…What An Adventure

What a great adventure these last two years have been. 

You name it we have tried it and if we haven’t tried it then it is on our list to do. 

We have so much fun together. 

The first year was about him and I. The second year was about us. 

Two years together. 8 states. Endless laughs. So many adventures. I could love him forever because he makes me feel safe, loved, heard, seen. He makes me laugh everyday. He loves me and my girls. 

Anything I ask to do he says yes. Anything I want to try he’s front and center. 

He’s really perfect for me. Truly! 

I can’t wait for the adventures we have ahead of us. I can’t wait to create more memories with him. I feel so lucky I get to love him forever.  

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