Saturday, July 30, 2022

Trust Your Feelings

We have triggers. It’s really about emotions. When we feel off or upset or not right it’s our body saying “fight or flight”.  The emotion we feel is telling us something. 

We all have experienced it. I have. You have. It’s normal. What’s not normal is how you react to it. Some people fight. Some get upset. Some run from it. I personally discuss it. I confront it. I can’t let it go. I can’t un-feel. I have been numb before. I don’t recommend it. 

I try to think through it to understand it. I really do. Which at times can be worse because you overthink it. Over thinking is awful. It’s trying to figure out a situation and piecing it together. 

The mind is a powerful tool. It can backfire on you if you overthink too much. 

You don’t have to be in any situation that makes you feel uncomfortable. EVER. You do have an obligation to yourself to figure out why it made you uncomfortable and then to not get yourself in the situation again. 

You don’t have to accept anyone in your life you don’t want to have there. 

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