Tuesday, August 2, 2022

When You Make Peace With It

Wow fast forward three years. My intuition is always spot on. I had a feeling. Google gives you plenty of opportunities to look for stuff. And there it was. 

My intuition was spot on. 

But instead of saying “wow told you so” I actually felt bad for them. I felt bad a situation was happening. I felt bad someone had to experience a change in their life. Even though it was so predictable you still feel bad for them. They held on so long that it changed their character. 

Three years ago I walked away from a situation…not by choice and had to make peace with it. I never forgot it but had no choice and moved on. 

So I did and it was best pain I went through because it changed me. But I tell you it still pops up in my head every time I think of the outcome. Three years ago. Walking away from something at the time that was really great. 

Some people have to learn lessons in life the hard way. 

My peace allowed me to have a better relationship and grow as a person. 

I hope one day they find that peace too!

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