Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Did I Miss National Boyfriend’s Day

I really wonder who comes up with these holidays. I actually missed it. It was yesterday but had to post this because I do love this man a lot. 

I love him for different reason than I ever loved anyone. He’s real. Like I can say anything to him. Anything at all. I don’t have to tip toe around an issue or watch what I say or do. I literally can say anything at any moment and he listens. 

Listening. Validating. 

Isn’t that what we all want. Someone who listens to us. Now he doesn’t always agree with me. BUT he acknowledges when I feel a certain way or when I have a need that’s not being met or when I am upset. 

So with that I honor this made up holiday because he’s been my boyfriend for almost 2 1/2 years and he loves all me and accepts all of me. That isn’t easy to find. 

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