Thursday, December 29, 2022

My Word: Gratitude

My word to end 2022 is GRATITUDE. 

For having two negative biopsies this year. One over summer for my thyroid. One this week for my breast. Grateful is beyond my feeling of getting negative cancer results. Reminder always get your Mammo ladies!!

For my kids who really are amazing. They drive me nuts but I adore them. They are such great human beings and I gladly take the credit for that. 

For my parents for being there for me always and allowing me the opportunity to give my kids whatever they need at any moment. 

For planning on buying a house with my amazing boyfriend and having our kids live together. He’s the perfect guy for me. Truly what I need in a person. 

For my new job. For giving me the opportunity to have a great future. 

For my family for being my rock. 

For my friends being there for me no matter what. 

For the endless amounts of travel and adventures we took this year with our kids. The memories we created. The love the girls have for each-other. It’s amazing. 

For growing as a person. Really acknowledging what is important and what isn’t. 

For being better every year because life has taught me we can always do and be better. 

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