Wednesday, January 5, 2022

How Supportive Are You?

You can be totally different from someone but as long as your morals and goals are aligned it can work. No one thinks just like you and if they do it can get boring. Seeing things differently helps you grow. Just have a mutual understanding so things can work and be good. 

My boyfriend and I are similar in many ways and different in many ways. The good thing is we respect our differences. We honor and respect who we want to be. We also communicate our differences and communication is key. 

Stuffed Meatballs Recipe

I have been running out of dinner ideas so when I see something creative I am all for it. This is a fun dish, especially for the kids. 

Get full recipe here

Just Be You…Happy!

I love this image I found. 

I love that after all these years I still have people in my life who talk ill of me. Who read my blog or social media and still it makes them cringe. 


No clue! None. Zero. A part of me thought maybe I shouldn’t write. But what am I writing? How is my writing hurting them?

I am a woman, happy. Just simple, easy going person. I am a Mom. Girlfriend. Daughter. Sister. Friend. And am Happy. 

And when you think of those who brought you down what do they lack? Happiness. 

So when things got brought to me my initial reaction is to confront them and then I pause and think. 

I hope they change. Not for me but for them. I hope their insecurity goes away. I hope they seek peace and happiness. For themselves. I hope they make room in their life for better things than to talk bad about others. I hope they find peace to be happy and accept my happiness too.