Thursday, January 27, 2022

Colors and Variety…What’s In Your Diet?

I always try to add color. Rich in vitamins. It’s not easy. Being home and cold makes you want to be cozy and sometimes picking the wrong things to eat doesn’t actually feel good. 

Kids have a play date after school so I wanted to be sure to offer variety before they headed for something not so good to eat. 

How do you balance the cold months?

Divorce Isn’t a Failure

I used to think it was. No one gets married anticipating divorce but that mind set changed as I spent time alone my first year. Then I dated men I couldn’t believe I dated. I honestly can’t believe the world has 7 billion people in it and I chose some really big dummies. Insecure men. Who would say one thing and do another. Men who didn’t deserve my time and effort at all or friendship. It taught me a lot.  Then I met my boyfriend who steals my heart at least once a week. 

My parents and those around me have long lasting marriages. Not perfect but good, real, honorable relationships. They love each other . They respect each other. I felt I failed we couldn’t make it work for the kids. My situation was unavoidable. I had no choice but to get a divorce. But I still felt like it was a failure at first. When I told my boyfriend how I used to feel he said no it’s not. Look at you and us now. We found someone more compatible for us. I agree 100% but it took me time to understand it. I had to go through some situations to know this. 

Now my relationship is so easy I feel like there’s a catch but after a year and half later and it’s just as fun and loving and good. It’s calm. So calm. He never raised his voice or argued with me. Not once did I not feel good or loved or valued. 

Now I think why would anyone stay in a relationship that’s toxic or arguing or loud and rough or jealous and insecure. There’s someone better for you. Trust me! There’s always things we need to go through in life to find our happiness. I hope you found yours!!