Monday, November 14, 2022

Oh Covid….Tag We’re It

We were doing so well. We avoided Covid for years. YEARS. 

It started as headaches for my middle one. I honestly wouldn’t have even tested us until my boyfriend decided to take a test. He called me and said he wasn’t feeling well and had a fever. He spent the week with us prior to this. He hung up and called me right back and said he was positive. I was in shock. 

I tested all of us at home and sure enough we all were positive. My middle one and boyfriend had it the worse. I was just stuffy and my taste buds off. My oldest achy and tired and my youngest didn’t feel a thing. 

Later my father tested Positive and he feels like he had the flu. 

At least we are in quarantine together. 

Oh how we thought we were in the clear for so long. Luckily we all have been ok and it’s back to normal life on Wednesday. 

I am still in shock we have it but glad we tested so we didn’t spread it. Covid is a sneaky virus. It affected us differently.