Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Focus on Your Happiness

When you’re happy everyone around you is happy too. Happiness is contagious. Be sure to spread it!

Our 10 Year Plan Turned Into Our 1 Year Plan

It’s always great to set goals. We did. But we originally set them for ten years from now. That’s a long time but for some reason I was ok with it. Kids would be older. We would have more time. 

Over Thanksgiving we sat down and talked. Real talk and our new plan is now a one year plan set for 2024.  


We shortened it by 9 years and I am very excited about it. 

You never know what adventures life will bring you. I am excited for ours. What are yours?

 Can’t wait to start 2023! 

iFly in Westchester- Indoor Sky Diving

I always wanted to jump out of a plane. I am not sure if at this age I would but it has always been on my bucket list.  

Not many people can say they have. My boyfriend has when he was in his early twenties. He said he liked it but wouldn’t do it again. I may have to convince him to join me if I build up the courage to. 

They say this is close to the experience except much safer. My daughter asked to go. We got it for her as a bday gift last year and kindof forgot about it. 

We took all the kids and they had a blast. You pay extra to go up really high. My two oldest did it and my boyfriend. 

You do two rounds 1 minute at a time. In between the workers do tricks. It’s incredible. 

Everyone is so nice there. My youngest got scared so they gave us a credit which means we all get to go back again.  

I love how adventurous my girls are and love we have my boyfriend and his daughter to do these adventures with. It’s a great blended family. 

If you’re in Westchester check it out 

Riley’s by the Seawall Holiday Fun Date Night

We had so much fun here the other night. I love Miracle pop up bars. I always try to attend one every year. We found this one in Stratford, CT. So many fun holiday drinks. The clams casino and chicken francese were delicious. 

The grilled chicken on the Cesar salad was really good but the salad dressing could have used more flavor. The drinks came in different fun holiday cups. You could buy a glass to take home. 

My favorite was the Hot Buttered Rum. I am not a drinker but one of these was perfect for me. Warm and cozy and delicious. 

I love date nights with my forever date. I am one lucky gal.