Monday, August 3, 2009

Baby's First Italian Word

My husband and I are both 100% Italian and coming from a household that spoke Italian it was very important to us that our children did too. I must say I am not the best Italian speaking woman out there but I do understand it extremely well and if it wasn't for my sisters teasing me I would probably be less self conscious when I spoke it. I know that is what sisters are for.

My parents both came from Italy at the age of 16. They became young parents and basically learned English when we did so they focused more on teaching us the proper English language than Italian. They regretted not pushing the language on us, although we always followed the culture. But once my baby girl was born they were determined to teach her the beautiful language we all love. They even bought her Italian cartoon DVDs.

So this past Sunday morning my sister was trying to teach my daughter to say Zia, Italian for Aunt. She shook her head "NO" and said "Nonna", which is Italian for grandma, four times loud and clear.

Yep, I did miss it but she said it again today when we went to visit my mom. Nonna lit up of course. I am proud of my little girl. She doesn't realize it now but one day she will be happy she knows a different language. Especially the beautiful Italian language.

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