Monday, August 3, 2009

DEAL Finder

I went shopping at Costco today with my mom and figured I would check the infant aisle to see if they carried any formula. I knew they carried Enfamil but I use Similac Advance Early Shield and to my GREAT surprise it was there.

So ladies you get a 34 oz container for $27.95.

This has got to be the best price I found yet. The cheapest I ever found this formula for was at Toys R Us for $21.99 and that was only for a 24oz container. This comes to be about 10 cents cheaper an oz, that is $3.40 cents cheaper to be exact. I know you may think $3.40 is not a big deal but for all you mommy's who know how much formula we go through the savings add up!

You can also purchase it online at but the min is 3 containers.

Stay turned. I am waiting for a coupon link from Similac but was so excited with the deal I found that I had to post it!!

You can also sign up on to receive coupons in the mail!

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