Monday, October 19, 2009

Mammogram Suggestion Card

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and it so happen to be when I was due for my yearly mammo. For all of you who don't know I am under the age of 30 and have been getting mammos for a while now due to several reasons. Normally it doesn't bother me but every time I go for one someone reminds me how young I am to be doing this before my time and I walk away a little sad.

I go to my appointment and was very grateful for the night appointment. I walk in, put on my robe, and see the suggestion box in the waiting area. Being the good person I am I write a positive comment and put my card into the box. Seconds later I wished I could get my card back and rip it up!
The tech calls my name and apologizes for my wait. She goes on for a good ten minutes how I am so young so she didn't know why I would be here- again I did have a script from my surgeon and have been getting these done for years, by the time I am 40 I will have my own room of films- she continues how strange it is that I am not even 30 and having a mammogram so she had to read my chart over to understand. I explain over and over again my history, my reason for being there, but she insists on going on about how strange it is and looking at me as if I had two heads and four breasts. By the time I was done I was so pissed I didn't even say thank you and walked out!
Listen up… people ALL ages can get breast cancer, male and female. NO ONE should assume other wise; no one should make anyone feel uncomfortable for being there. Why would someone who is suppose to be a professional make me feel so uncomfortable about being their when I am already well aware of how uncommon it is for someone this young to get a mammogram!
Let this be a lesson to all of us! Fill out the suggestion card AFTER the experience happens, NOT before! And for everyone out there who works in a field as sensitive as this and needs a refresher course on how to deal with people there are sensitivity courses you can take if you need to learn how to interact with people in your profession! And for all you ladies out there go and get a mammogram don't let a stupid, uneducated tech get in your way. Remember it is your life and only you have control over it.

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