Saturday, October 17, 2009

Planning Baby's First Birthday

This past week has been a roller coaster ride for me. Since I first found out I was having a winter baby it's been a debate where and what to do for the baby's 1st birthday. So now that the 1st birthday is approaching my mind is on over drive. Do we invite the whole family, which is 60+ or do we just do immediate... Do we rent a heated tent for the back yard, have two family parties or rent a hall... Should we cook, cook and have it catered or go to a restaurant.

Yep I know what you are thinking, too much to debate over a 1st birthday. I have had so many unwanted feedback, remarks, helpful and annoying suggestions that I could scream. I had the... why aren't you going to invite them issue, I had the... you should do crafts and goodie bags for the kids there, which is only 2 children, issue. I had the...will people like that food at that restaurant... And how about will we all be able to fit there issue. And the reality is yes we all go through this when we plan a party. But why does my baby's first birthday have to be such a big issue.

What ever happened to balloons, cake, casual birthday parties, birthday cards, pin the tail on the donkey days??? My baby is going to be 1, she isn't going to remember her first party, and she could care less what favors I buy, what is served or how much I spend. Of course we want to throw a nice party and treat our guests to good food and company. But how many of us really end up enjoying the day?

So this is what we booked and I must say I am very pleased. I don't have to cook, I don’t have to do crafts or worry about who I didn't invite because I booked my daughter's party at a restaurant that is within our budget and couldn't hold more than 50 people. So my list had to get cut. I had to invite the people I see on a daily basis. I would LOVE to have everyone there but throwing a party that costs more than a couple thousand dollars is a little over board. Granted baptisms, graduations, and communions are exceptions but 1st birthdays are meant to be small, and intimate.

I am happy to say all in one day we booked the restaurant, ordered the favors, and designed the invites. I WILL enjoy my baby's 1st birthday and finally get to sleep tonight without waking up to the thought of reviewing my party options, guest lists or food menus.

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