Friday, May 14, 2010

The Power of Prayer

I want to begin this posting by saying I am not trying to preach any particular religion. I am writing based on my own experience and respect people's choices to believe in what they choose to believe in.

The Power of Prayer is like no other. I know when ever things are tough, or when I am sad or even happy I like to turn to the Power of Prayer. We all have different beliefs and I do not care what it is you believe in as long as you have a source to pray to and the reason I say this is because it gives us an unspoken feeling of hope when we feel like there isn't hope. Yes, there are scientific explanations to a lot of things but when we have hope things seem to become easier.

When I was trying to get pregnant a woman came into my husband’s job and said for us to pray, pray a list of prayers and your wife will get pregnant. Yes, granted there were other things we had to do to get pregnant but the list of prayers gave us hope and it helped make the lengthen process easier. Hope helped.
Whenever a family member goes into a surgery I always find myself praying. Yes, the doctors are the ones I need to have faith in, but prayer gives me hope. It gives me a sense of comfort that everything will be alright and if it is not alright then we will get through it.

So whatever you choose to believe in or choose to put your faith into. Remember there is hope. And hope is nothing someone can take away from you unless you let them. Let hope comfort you and be there in your time of need.

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