Thursday, May 13, 2010

Fitness Update

I am proud to say that it has been a month this week since I joined the gym and I am still going strong. YEAH!! I started out with 5x a week, last week I was bad and went 2x but walked 2x and this week has been 3x so far. I plan going at least 1 more time since I have a 3 mile Breast Cancer walk on Saturday morning.

I do use the scale but decided to measure myself to really see results. After 4 weeks I am proud to say:

-I lost 1/2 inch on my neck, arms and chest (not that my chest needed any loosing, ha,ha)
-1 1/2 inch from my thighs

I am one happy girl! I would love to loose most of the inches in my waist since that is my problem area but that too shall happen!

My biological clock is ticking and my husband and I want to have another baby so it is sooo important for me to loose these last 10lbs that wont go away from having my daughter. I know we all say that having a baby ruins our body but the reality is I let having a baby ruin my body and I can not let that happen again.

 The gym as been AWESOME for me as a stress releaser with work and other things. Once I am there I can stay there all day. Try it, I know it is hard to get to, really my schedule is so jammed pack that fitting in the gym didn't seem like something I could do. But now that I am doing it is it AMAZING! I go at night after dinner and watch my shows and sweat my butt off. I even did 2 miles in 18 minutes. I burn about 400+ calories in a 35-40 mins work out. It is great. So wish me luck, I am not giving up and neither should you!

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