Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Everyone needs a Best Friend

I have been blessed with so many wonderful, strong, successful women in my life. I also have been extremely blessed to say I have a best friend who I have been friends with for 24 years-wow 24 years and we still could talk for endless hours at a time.

Throughout our friendship we have had our ups and downs, we moved away from one another and took different turns in our lives but we always seen to make our way back to one another. She brings out the good in me, she makes me laugh so hard that it makes me want to cry. She is honest without hurting my feelings and she has always had my back. I love her like my sister and feel God gave us one another to get through the good, the bad and the tough times in our lives.

I am glad to know that we will grow old together, we"ll stay young together and we'll always be there for one another even when things get too rough, tough or when we need a shoulder to cry on, laugh on or just because. I think everyone needs that one, special person to turn to, to laugh with and cry with and even "jump around the room with and sing into the back of a hair brush" with!

I hope one day my daughter finds that one special person, of course she'll always have me, but she needs that one person she could rely on to help her be a better person. I am glad I do and I honestly believe that my best friend is a part of me and I am a part of her!

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