Saturday, November 13, 2010

Easy Dinner: TACOS

I cook a lot, I probably cook at least 3 to 4 nights a week...I know some people cook everyday but for those of us who want some easy, cost friendly meals I will be adding some easy dinners to my blog to help make your night more enjoyable with spending less time in the kitchen.

  • 1 1/2 lb of ground meat or turkey meat or meatloaf meat
  • 1 package of Ortega taco family pack- this includes taco shells, cheese sauce, taco sauce and seasoning

Brown meat, drain, add taco seasoning with water (follow directions on package) I like the taco shells crunchy so I bake them for about 15 mins in a 350 degree oven.

Serve with salsa, sour cream, shredded cheese-moteray jack is good, chopped tomatoes and chopped lettuce.

I love side dishes, so I served this with white rice, nachos ( just use Tortilla chips and top with shredding moteray jack and put in microwave) and a salad.

I would say this dinner costs no more than $7.00 for a family of four. You can get fancy and add as many toppings as you like but I like to keep it simple. These left overs are great just mix the taco meat with white rice and snack on it with the left over tortilla chips.

Who said making dinners had to be complicated?! ENJOY!

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