Sunday, November 14, 2010

'Tis the season

With Christmas 6 weeks away...yep only 6 weeks away, I have decided to get organized and begin my holiday shopping. I have about 30 plus people to shop for so I took out my spreadsheet from last year and started on a clean slate.

I am usually good with preparing a head of time so I started to take out all the outfits and toys I have already purchased and realized I have about 24 people to shop for, 6 down 24 to go.  I always feel I am crunched for time since my daughter's birthday is around Thanksgiving and my mind is focused on preparing for that.

It is amazing the sales that stores have going on. I have said this before and I will say it again, spend the $1.50 on Sundays and buy a newspaper. It is filled with circulars and coupons, deals and specials.

The Internet is filled with deals! Whenever I shop on-line I always Google coupons for the stores I am shopping at and 9 out of 10 times there is a coupon online. No one should have to pay full price and no one should feel stressed financially when it comes to the holidays. It just takes some preparation and organization and you will find that the holidays can be enjoyable after all!

Need help organizing a spreadsheet then click here!


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