Monday, February 28, 2011

Change & Fear Quote

     “The key to change... is to let go of fear."  Rosanne Cash

Friday, February 25, 2011

Happy Friday!!

Have a Wonderful Weekend Everyone!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Same Sky Quote

"Just look up, whether near or far, we're all under the same sky."

Proactiv® Acne Solution-I highly recommend it!

Luckily as a child and teenager I never had to deal with the battle of acne. It wasn't until after I had my daughter that I developed acne. I immediately went to a dermatologist and ever since then I use the Proactiv® Acne Solution every morning and every night.

My family, friends and I all highly recommend this product. It is so easy to use and my skin has never looked better. I know you all have seen a ton of commercials on this but I promise you it is legit and REALLY works!!!

I love their face mask and use it weekly, and my husband even does the mask with me too. Their repairing lotion is great to use at night or during the day. So if you have acne issue or looking for a way to improve your skin then definitely give this product a try!

Fate Quote

     “We make our own fortunes and we call them fate" Benjamin Disraeli

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pillsbury® Sweet Moments® Bite-Size Brownies Coupon

I must say the Pillsbury® Sweet Moments® Bite-Size Brownies look AMAZING!!! If you are like me or any other women out there, chocolate is my weakness, so when I saw these I had to share them with you all. These ready to eat bite-size snacks are available in three amazing flavors; Chocolate Fudge, Chocolate Caramel and Chocolate Chip. YUM!

Purchase them today in the fridge section of your grocery store and of course download this coupon today:


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Follow Your Heart Quote

“Follow your heart, but be quiet for a while first. Ask questions, then feel the answer. Learn to trust your heart."Similar Quotes

Monday, February 21, 2011

Being Happy Quote

“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections."Similar Quotes

Stop, Breathe & Enjoy the World Around You!

My husband usually puts my daughter to bed but tonight I decided to and I must say it was so fun and sad at the same time. She is now in a "big girl" bed and I LOVE it, so does she. Her room is yellow and all the bright colors and butterflies and toddler decorations make her room so cozy!

We were lying in her bed joking around and laughing. I could not believe how much she has grown. I was singing songs with her and cuddling, it was so much fun. And then of course through the laughter came the tears. No not from my daughter but from me. I could not believe this little girl is mine. I could not believe that 26 months ago she was in my belly and now singing songs with me.

I cherish those moments when nothing else matters, when it is her and I laughing and enjoying one another. She is amazing and those last 26 months flashed before my eyes. Here my baby girl, now a toddler, was in a big girl bed, talking away and giggling at the silly things we were saying. It is these moments in life that we need to stop and focus on. Forget work, forget your bills, forget the drama of the world and sit back every day for at least 30 minutes and take it all in. Stop breathe and enjoy the world around you!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Donate and Make a Difference

It is funny how contagious generosity can be. I am a true believer of Karma and lately the smallest gestures make a huge difference. Whether it is a smile to a stranger or holding the door open for the elder, doing something good makes you feel good and whether you see it or not you in turn will receive something good!

Every year at this time I noticed that the request for donations come in. Not sure why or if there is a reason but they always seem to. I get my pile of donation requests filled with return labels, and notepads with my name on them and the ones with nickels and start to donate.

I know some people are not financially able to donate and that is fine, but for the majority of us please find a cause you believe in and give back. The feeling is rewarding in it's own way! I do not donate expecting something good in return, that defeats the whole purpose, but I give back because the cause I donate to has a special meaning to me or a loved one or just because I believe in the cause. So if you can make a difference and even it is just $5.00 every penny counts.

If you do not want to donate through the mail then get involved in a local community walk to raise money for a cause you believe in. There are a ton of local walks that I like to try to participate in and I make it fun by getting a group together to walk and in return we are giving back to our community.

Below are some of my favorite organizations to donate to.
Share with me: What organizations do you donate to or recommend?

Make a Difference Quote

     “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." Anne Frank

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Script - For The First Time

Great lyrics...remember through bad times hang in there because there is always a positive ending!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Where We Should Be Quote

"We often think 'what could have been', 'what would have been', or how things would have worked out if we did things differently but the reality is we are exactly where we 'should' be. We are the captains of our own destiny. So sit back and enjoy the ride!!"

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Raw Broccoli-YUM!

I love raw broccoli. I love dipping it in dressing and lately it is a must in my salads, which I try to eat at least once to twice a day! So I figured why not look up some facts on it to help me feel even better about eating it.

Did you know...

  • 1 cup of Raw Broccoli has 135%  of you daily value of Vitamin C Read More Here...
  • Roman farmers called broccoli "the five green fingers of Jupiter." Read More Here...
  • The folic acid in broccoli helps women sustain normal tissue growth and is often used as a supplement when taking birth control pills and during pregnancies. Read More Here...

Hope Quote

“Never let go of hope. One day you will see that it all has finally come together. What you have always wished for has finally come to be. You will look back and laugh at what has passed and you will ask yourself... 'How did I get through all of that?" Similar Quotes

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fun Valentine's Day Facts

I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day! My house is filled with chocolate and even though I should not love it I do!

So below are some fun Valentine facts I found that I thought you may enjoy.
  • Teachers receive the most Valentine's Day cards, followed by children, mothers, wives, and then, sweethearts. Children between ages 6 to 10 exchange more than 650 million Valentine's cards with teachers, classmates, and family members. Read More...
  • The red rose was the favorite flower of Venus, the Roman goddess of love. The color red stands for strong romantic feelings making the red rose the flower of love. Read More...
  • 73% of Valentine Day flowers are bought by men, whereas women buy only 23% of Valentine flowers. Read More...
  • The first Valentine's Day box of chocolates was introduced by Richard Cadbury in 1868.  Read More...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

"When love is not madness, it is not love." Pedro Calderon de la Barca

“Your feet will bring you to where your heart is.” Irish Proverb

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Cute and funny....Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 11, 2011

TGIF Enjoy Life!

"Live and work but do not forget to play, to have fun in life and really enjoy it.”Eileen Caddy

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cherish Your Child Quote

“Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them." Richard L. Evans

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Outgrowing Nap Time=More Vino for Mommy

These last two weeks my daughter has given me so much trouble while trying to put her down for a nap. It is exhausting. She is 26 months and I work while she sleeps so if she does not nap, I do not work and that means late night hours for me to try to play catch up.

The problem is she sits in her crib, and sings on top of her lungs. It would not be so bad if she read or played with her toys...nope she shouts and sings songs and calls for me until I give up and get her. Then she gets clumsy-like me-when she is over tired. I just do not get why she fights it...I promise I will not put up a fight if someone told me to take a nap!

I have a whole new perception on stay at home mom's since I typically am one-100% respect. I am exhausted by dinner and  if I do not squeeze in a 20 minute nap I will not make it past 8:05 pm! I don't know how you mother's of multiples do it!

So I may have to stock the wine fridge to help me get through this little stage of life...hey why not don't they say a glass or maybe two are good to have a day!

Meet My lil Diva!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Snack time for Toddlers

My daughter loves snack time, so everyday I try to do something a little creative and healthy for her. Below are some of her favorite snack time treat combos.

  • Sliced oranges and gold fish
  • Pretzels and sliced grapes
  • Ritz wheat crackers and american sliced cheese
  • Yogurt and a banana
  • Graham crackers dipped in milk
  • Strawberries and dry Cheerios
  • Cinnamon raisin bread and Watermelon
Who says snack time has to be boring :)

Men vs Women Forgiveness Quote

    “Men forget but never forgive. Women forgive but never forget.” Similar Quotes

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

I must admit I do love Super Bowl Sunday but I am not a fan of football...I never even realize who is playing until the game starts.  I love Super Bowl Sunday for the commercials and the food. It is like a holiday where you can excuse yourself for eating so favorite: beer and Italian combo! YUM!

Below are some fun Super Bowl Facts that I thought you may enjoy.

  • Super Bowl Sunday is the number two food-consumption day of the year. The number one day … Thanksgiving. Read More
  • According to Hallmark Cards, Inc., The Super Bowl represents the No. 1 at-home party event of the year. Read More
  • 8 million pounds of guacamole is consumed on Super Bowl Sunday. Read More
Enjoy and make sure to have tums on hand!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Man's Heart Quote

"The way to a man's heart is through his stomach"

This is so true, you may not think since my husband has a great built- he is tall and slender but ladies I must say if you can cook it is an easy access to any man's heart. As for all those men out there...every women loves a man who can cook and if you clean too then you're a golden catch!

Joke of the Day: The Italian Elbow

Like many other nationalities Italians love to spread love through food and gifts. You never go ANYWHERE empty handed! So when I read this joke I could not stop laughing. Enjoy!

The Italian Elbow

An Italian grandmother is giving directions to her grown grandson who is coming to visit with his wife.

"You comma to de front door of the apartmenta. I am inna apartmenta 301. There issa bigga panel at the front door. With you elbow , pusha button 301.I will buzza you in. Come inside, the elevator is on the right. Get in, and with you elbow , pusha 3.When you get out, I'mma on the left.With you elbow , hit my doorbell."

"Grandma, that sounds easy, but, why am I hitting all these buttons with my elbow?

"What . . . .. .. You coming empty handed?"

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Did you know...The Average Couple Fights 312 Times a Year!

I have been with my husband long enough to know about the things I love about him and the things I do not love about him. But for some reason we still have our arguments.  I am sure we all have our lists of things that bug us and I am sure my husband has his too. So when I came across this article I laughed out loud and thought you may enjoy it too!

"Couples argue 312 times a year (mostly on Thursday at 8pm for ten minutes)"

My favorite thing they mentioned was out of the TOP TEN things couples argue about the number one thing women nag their significant other over is....Stubble in the Sink! Boy were they right...maybe the mirror should not be over the sink!

Happy Reading Ladies :)

Character Quote

"Experience is what builds character."

Happy 1st of the Month

I love the first of the month. I feel like it is New Year's and you can start a new beginning every time the 1st of the month approaches. This month I anticipate will be great, I have a lot of great weekend events planned with friends that I have not seen in a while, I am taking some weekend trips and before you know it Spring will be here.

So cheers to a good month to all of you! May you leave your troubles behind you and look forward to the wonderful times ahead of you!

"Today a new sun rises for me; everything lives, everything is animated, everything seems to speak to me of my passion, everything invites me to cherish it.” Ninon de Lenclos