Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Jealousy is a form of Flattery

We all have someone in our life that does things to us out of spite and jealousy. Honestly if it wasn't for the my mother I probably wouldn't have this person in my life. See it has been repeated in my head that when someone is jealous they are weak and instead of shutting them out we should help them. Trust me that is not easy for me to do or anyone to do. The reality is that when someone is jealous of you we need to accept it as a form of flattery.

Yes, it's frustrating but reality is that if someone will steep so low to copy everything you do and not own up to it then it's their demon to face not yours. We can not control other people's actions but we can control our reactions.

I have been blessed to have a lot of great, strong women in my life who help me see things in a different point of view. They have taught me that you can not cut people out of your life but you can change the way you deal with them. So for the people in your life who are jealous of you just be happy you're not them, and realize that if they are jealous then obviously you are doing something right so take their jealously as a form of flattery!

"Jealousy is a form of flattery!"


  1. We can control our own destination...Not always easy! It's not up to others to make life happen! Great post.
