Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Lay OFF the Scale!

I know we all have at least one scale in our house, I actually have two and if I could recommend anything to anyone it would be to Lay off the Scale!

Weight loss has always been a focus in my life, I tried different diets, exercises, diet programs, and I must say dieting is not fun! But the reality is if you really want to get in shape and remain in shape as a long term life goal then lay off the diets and change your "lifestyle."

I had a lifestyle change 6 months ago and I must say it is one I will stick with forever. Which consists of  protein with every meal, no caffeine and exercise at least 3 hours a week. At first I weighed myself all the time and it was VERY discouraging. But then I decided to lay off the scale and measure myself. It's funny how I always thought girls were the ones always obsessed with the scale but lately I have been hearing more men who are and my advice to them is to start measuring themselves.

The scale is our worst enemy but you can not deny the inches you track when you measure yourself. I suggest you measure your arms, legs, waist-above your belly button, thighs, chest-under your boobs and hips. I even measure my neck, and wrist, A week after working out and your "lifestyle" change" measure yourself again then wait two weeks and do it again. Keep a little journal of your measurements and once you start seeing results then you can hop on the scale. But don't let it discourage you, if you are building muscle it weighs more than fat. I always lose inches faster then lbs so this system always worked well for me.

Below are great sites on how to measure yourself:

Cheers to healthy living!

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